BUSINESS IN BRIEF - An explanation

This page contains a brief explanation about our business in 4 languages.

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Just read about this beautiful business concept. It is a life changing Golden Opportunity.

1. "AIM EARNINGS+SAVINGS PLAN." runs like any regular chit but on a weekly basis.

2. AIM is authorized by both Central and State govt. Our company is a public ltd. company with 11 branches in 5 states of India. We are following the Central Chit fund act of 1982 & State Chit fund Regulatory rules.

3. Completely legal. This is not an MLM or money circulation. No funding/loans/investments/
bonds in our company.

4. ‎We are following RBI guidelines. We are controlled by Registrar of chits. GST and TDS are applicable.

5. ‎Chitty details: 50,000rs chitty amount; 50 weeks period; 50 members in each batch (created by Co.) ;1000rs weekly installment. Foreman commission 2500rs. (5% of chit amount)

6. ‎Pay 2200 into company bank account just once (2000 is 2 wkly instalments of your chit+200 enrolment fee).

7. You will become both a chitty subscriber as well as Canvassing agent in the company.(Not a Collection agent)

8. Your job is to recruit minimum 2 members /sub agents (compulsory) or any higher number as you wish through canvassing. For this you can earn weekly commission.

9. Every member has to replicate the same and refer his own two or more friends. (If you are not willing to work, please do not join this business)

10. Commission is calculated as 1:1=1point value.

11. Direct recruitment maximum only 10 is allowed in first level. This is equal to 5 pairs or point value. Commission is rs.500 per pv.

12. In all other levels you can earn ₹300 per pv introduced by you or anyone in your team.

13. Maximum capping per week as allowed by the company is 100pvxrs.300= rs.30,000.

14. You have the opportunity to earn between ₹300 to ₹30,000 every week lifelong. This is transferable to your nominee also.

15. Out of this commission, company puts aside ₹1000 every week as your savings. So, this means you need not pay chit instalments from your pocket from 3rd week to 50th week.

16. At the end of 50 weeks you can withdraw lumpsum savings amount of ₹47500 provided you have paid all the 50 weeks installments in the above manner.

17. In case you require emergency cash, you may withdraw your savings/lift your chitty before maturity date also. The company follows "Fixed bidding in Slab system"

18. ‎If you bid between 2nd and 27th week, you can obtain ₹42500. Between 28th and 41st week, ₹45000. Between 42nd and 50th week, ₹47500. (Conditions: 1.all instalments must be paid up to date 2. Surity must be provided as per company's requirements)

19. ‎Dividend of each week is distributed to all the members equally and adjusted in the weekly chit instalments.

20. With single time registration you will start earning plus also saving. You will also get multiple incomes. You can also earn passive income without working.

21. Apart from this, you can achieve all your dreams through our motivational incentives.

22. ‎For future security, you will get lifelong income like pension which is transferable to your nominee also.

23. Your one time payment of ₹2200 will multiply into 1.5 crores in approximately just one year.

24. We have our own All India Agents union of SKCIL for protection of Agents' welfare.

25. ‎Special attraction: After joining you will receive our free training on how to start earning weekly income of rs.2,40,000 within 18 weeks.

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